World first



electrically powered vehicle drived by the pilot's mental commands


The development results of a city car (neuromobile) for independent use by people with motor dysfunctions (wheelchair users, the elderly) are presented. The car is equipped with an active driver assistance system based on a technical vision system and a neurocontrol interface, which includes a brain-computer interface and a neuromuscular interface in the basic version


The main indications for the use of neuro-piloted electric vehicles are the marked limitations of mobility opportunities for patients and disabled persons. These indications are similar to those for providing such persons with electrically driven wheelchairs.


Limitation of mobility may be due not only to neuromuscular, skeletal and motion-related (statodynamic) disorders, but also to the impaired function of the cardiovascular system, sensory systems, and impaired mental functions.


According to the accepted classification of the main types of persistent disorders of the body functions, the use of a neuromobile is possible and necessary for the following groups of diseases:

  • Systemic lesions of connective tissue;
  • Consequences of head injuries;
  • Symptoms and signs related to the nervous and musculoskeletal systems with marked disturbances of coordination and balance;
  • Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis); 
  • Diseases of the neuromuscular synapse and muscles;
  • Cerebral palsy in children, its various forms; 
  • Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes;
  • Extrapyramidal and other motor disorders - Parkinson's disease and other degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia; 
  • Cerebrovascular diseases;
  • Congenital malformations of the nervous system;
  • Injury of nerves and spinal cord at the level of the neck, thoracic and lumbar spine, consequences of injuries;
  • Pathology of the extremities; 
  • Dorsopathies;
  • Congenital malformations and deformations of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system: the brain, the spinal cord, the cerebellum.


Absolute medical contraindications include: 

  • mental disorders with severe or profound mental retardation, dementia;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • severe visual impairment;
  • stenocardia, functional class IV.


Relative medical contraindications  to the use of a neuromobile include

  • moderately expressed, expressed or significantly pronounced static and coordination disorders  (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders);
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • third degree varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, complicated by frequent bleeding;
  • drug addiction, chronic alcoholism of stages II, III.


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